Dr Evelyn Asamoah Ampofo and Christiana Okantey were in Limerick as part of a University of Limerick (UL) collaborative agreement with UCC, Ghana. The visitors expressed a wish to see the Da Vinci Xi Robot at University Hospital Limerick as part of their visit and hear about the Group’s Robotic Surgery programme. In addition University Maternity Hospital Limerick welcomed the visitors to the maternity site, where they met with midwifery and nursing staff there.
Welcoming the Ghanaian visitors, Margaret Gleeson, Group Chief Director of Nursing and Midwifery said,” We already have strong links with Ghana through Friends of Ghana, which is a partnership between UL Hospitals Group, UL, the charity Ghana Medical Help and the national health service of Ghana. In 2017, our work with Friends of Ghana focused on training primary healthcare staff in basic life-saving skills in the remote Upper West Region. This work will continue in 2018, and we were therefore delighted to welcome Dr Evelyn Asamoah Ampofo and Christiana Okantey here this week to get some insights into the midwifery and nursing care services in Ghana.”
Maebh Barry, Lecturer, Department of Nursing and Midwifery, UL said, “Our ongoing collaborative programme with UCC in Ghana means we continue to welcome students from the University of Cape Coast to study at the University of Limerick, we have two students here for Spring semester 2018. In addition, following a recent UL faculty exchange to UCC we were delighted to welcome two faculty members from the School of Nursing and Midwifery, University of Cape Coast, Dr Evelyn Asamoah Ampofo and Christiana Okantey, with the aim of further exploring potential partnership relationships and with curriculum, research and scholarship synergies. We would like to express our sincere thanks to the UL Hospitals for facilitating the visit to UHL and UMHL this week where our visitors were able to see some innovations in healthcare in Ireland. “
Friends of Ghana group has been ratified by the Board of UL Hospitals Group and sees the realisation of the Group’s ambition to establish formal links in a developing country.
UHL is the first public hospital in Ireland to perform colorectal, kidney and adrenal surgical procedures using the Da Vinci Xi Dual Console Robot.
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UL Hospitals group welcome visitors from University of Cape Coast